Sunday, 27 May 2012

Day 9: Cambridge

The trip to Cambridge was the second day I planned. Going back was so exciting. I felt like I was coming home and kept trying to go back to my old room at Queen's. Today was one of the coldest days of the trip. Everyone was freezing and we had to buy extra sweatshirts just to keep warm. We took a bus tour of the town and learned that Cambridge was founded by students who fled from Oxford after accidentally killing a townswoman while practicing archery.  We walked along the backs and saw the entrances to the colleges, many of which were closed to visitors.  Unfortunately we could not see the library at Trinity College because it was closed during exam time.  We did however get to see King's Chapel and Newnham when two nice girls let us in to the grounds. We missed the turn to the college just like Virginia did.  Following the walk she describes in A Room of One's Own we wound our way around the grounds being careful not to get reprimanded by the beadles for walking on the grass.  After today we all added attending Cambridge for grad school on to our life plans.

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